Why fundraise for Foodbank Queensland
About Foodbank Queensland
Foodbank feeds Australians in need every day. Foodbank in Queensland is the largest state hunger relief charity, supporting thousands of families and school children every week via food delivery to charities and schools.
Foodbank urgently needs more funds to expand our reach – to create a future where no child or adult in our state experiences hunger.
Many people are pretending that everything is fine – they don’t want anyone to know that they’re struggling to put food on the table for their families. But hunger is affecting thousands of children and hardworking mums and dads in Queensland. Not having enough food for yourself or your family is not something that people want to broadcast or even share with their friends. That’s why you don’t hear much about it – it’s a silent crisis.
Tackling hunger here in Queensland is a massive team effort, and we are incredibly grateful to have your support!
How does my fundraising support Foodbank?
Every $1 donated creates 2 meals.
100% of your funds raised go towards supplying and transporting food to hungry Queenslanders.
Every hour, Foodbank Queensland provides 3,000 meals.
Each week, Foodbank Queensland supports 150,000 people in need.
Each year, Foodbank Queensland sources 14 million kilograms of food and groceries and provides 26 million meals to people in need.
Who can be a Foodbank fundraiser?
We welcome everyone to be a Foodbank fundraiser! If you are under 18, please make sure to show us permission from a parent or guardian before you register to fundraise by emailing fundraising@foodbankqld.org.au.

Getting Started
How do I register?
To register click here or on one of the ‘Start a Fundraiser’ buttons on the website.
Fill out the form and you will receive a registration e-mail with login details to set up your online fundraising page.
Are there any rules I need to follow?
Yes, a few basic rules for your fundraiser to protect you, your donors, and Foodbank. There are some fundraising activities that Foodbank Queensland cannot be associated with, these include activities which:
- Promote a high level of personal or public risk.
- May be interpreted as rude, offensive, or inappropriate.
- Do not align with our values; Collaboration, Respect, Responsibility, Compassion and Trust.
- Foodbank Queensland is only able to approve fundraising activities that take place in Australia.
- In your promotional activities, do not use profanity or imagery that could potentially harm Foodbank’s mission and brand.
Foodbank Queensland recommends that the total expenses should not exceed 30% of total proceeds.
Are donations to Foodbank tax deductible?
Foodbank Queensland can provide a tax-deductible receipt for all donations of $2 or more. If any of your supporters require a tax-deductible receipt, please contact the team at Foodbank Queensland who will send this to you. Foodbank Queensland will then issue receipts once funds have been received.
Please note:
- You cannot claim a personal tax deduction for funds received and/or donated on behalf of others.
- You cannot claim a tax deduction for gifts that are donated to your activity and are not ‘true’ donation i.e., buying a ticket for a fundraising event is not tax deductible.
For more information on tax deductable regulations please visit the Australian Taxation Office website below:
Can I donate food or goods to Foodbank?
Foodbank Queensland does not accept food or goods donations from members of the public, schools or fundraising teams.
To operate as efficiently as possible and support the most people in need, we source and rescue food on a very large scale from registered food retailers, farmers and manufacturers only. Collecting food on a large scale helps us to supply the most food to our network of more than 300 Member Charities in the most cost-effective way possible.

Is hunger really a problem in Australia?
The Foodbank Hunger Report 2023 revealed:
- 1 in 5 Queensland households continue to experience hunger each year (23%).
- In the last 12 months, 460,000 households in Queensland experienced hunger. That’s double the number of households in the Gold Coast.
- Sadly, more than 1 in 3 Queensland households who need help, aren't seeking help, because they are either too embarrassed to reach out or believe others must be in greater need of assistance.
- Of Queensland households facing food insecurity, 46% experience this crisis multiple times per month.
- 1 in 4 Queensland households experiencing hunger, have dependent children in the home (32%).
- Over half of households in Queensland experiencing food insecurity have someone in paid work (55%).
- Renters are struggling the most, with 1 in 3 households experiencing hunger currently renting homes (34%).
- 42% of families experiencing hunger do not reside in a permanent home.
- The increased cost of food, fuel, and home gas and electricity are the leading causes of Queensland hunger (60-75% of respondents).
- Regional Queensland has been hit hardest, with rising food and grocery costs impacting 80% of food-insecure households in regional and remote communities.
Food insecurity is a predicament largely hidden by stigma and shame, but the reality is we’re all likely to know someone who is affected. It’s not just people on the street, but people in your street.
What is food insecurity (and why don’t you just say ‘hungry’)?
Food insecurity is “a situation that exists when people lack secure access to sufficient amounts of safe and nutritious food for normal growth and development and an active and healthy life” (Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations). This is different to hunger, which is a sensation many of us experience often, but are able to address by simply opening a cupboard or a fridge. Food insecure people do not have this luxury and cannot regularly and routinely put a meal on the table for themselves or their family.
What are the impacts of being food insecure?
Lack of food can significantly impact quality of life. Not having enough to eat can severely impact everyday functioning and wellbeing. Food insecure Australians most commonly report lethargy or tiredness, a decline in mental health and a loss of confidence because of lack of food.
How does Foodbank source its food and groceries?
Foodbank Queensland supplies a variety of food essentials to support Queenslanders in need. More than 40% of all the groceries we provide each year are healthy, fresh fruit and vegetables. Foodbank Queensland also sources long-life pantry staple foods, like rice, cereal, pasta and canned goods, as well as short-life foods like milk, bread, meat, poultry, and other essential groceries. We also provide personal care items and a range of household essentials for the kitchen, laundry and bathroom.
I need food relief, where can I get this?
If you require food relief, please visit the Find Food page which will help to connect you with local food relief services, or contact the Foodbank in your state or territory.
Can’t find the answers you need?
Contact Foodbank’s fundraising team who will be happy to help.